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Cao Longcan, Mayor of Bengbu, visited Yuling New Energy
Cao Longcan, Mayor of Bengbu, visited Yuling New Energy
On the morning of November 10th, 2021, Cao Longcan, Deputy Secretary/Mayor of Bengbu Municipal Committee, Zhou Weixin, Deputy Mayor, Tao Guangsheng, Director of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Sun Liming, Deputy Director of the Municipal Investment Promotion Cooperation Center, Gao Dongsheng, Governor of Huaiyuan County, Zhang Ying, President of Bengbu Branch of Huishang Bank, Li Xianfeng, Director of the Municipal Government Office in Shanghai, Lu Shaofeng, expert of Bengbu Glass Industry Design and Research Institute, visited Shanghai Yuling New Energy Technology Company to give guidance.
Win the crown again! For two consecutive years, Hillhouse was awarded the "Technology Innovation Fund of Shanghai Science and Technology smes".
Win the crown again! For two consecutive years, Hillhouse was awarded the "Technology Innovation Fund of Shanghai Science and Technology smes".
The report to the 19th CPC National Congress pointed out that "we will strengthen applied basic research, expand and implement major national science and technology projects, highlight innovation in key generic technologies and disruptive technologies, and provide strong support for building China into a strong country in science and technology". To promote the building of Beijing and Shanghai into science and technology innovation centers with global influence, develop a number of innovative cities and regional innovation centers with strong driving forces, with national innovation demonstration zones, national high-tech zones and pilot zones for comprehensive innovation reform as important carriers, promote the implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy in Shanghai, and accelerate the development of science and technology innovation centers with global influence. To increase the support for small and medium sized science and technology enterprises in Shanghai and encourage their technological innovation, the Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission shall organize and issue policies and provide relevant scientific research funds.
The Party Secretary and chief of Huaiyuan County, Anhui Province inspected Shanghai Yuling New Energy
The Party Secretary and chief of Huaiyuan County, Anhui Province inspected Shanghai Yuling New Energy
June 29, 2021, Gao Dongsheng, County Governor of Huaiyuan County People's Government, Zhu Yulong, Vice Chairman of Huaiyuan CPPCC, Zhou Shuai, Director of the First Secretary Office of Huaiyuan County Government, Ge Xianglong, Director of Huaiyuan Investment Promotion Service Center, Chang Shulian, Deputy director of Huaiyuan Investment Promotion Service Center, Sun Wei, Director of Investment Promotion Service Center of Huaiyuan County and Lin Changeu, General manager of Huaitou Group, inspected and investigated Shanghai Yuling New Energy Technology Co., LTD In the following meeting, the two sides initially reached the intention of cooperation.
Yuling won the "True Lithium Charging Award - Rising Star Enterprise of the Year"
Yuling won the "True Lithium Charging Award - Rising Star Enterprise of the Year"
On April 23-24, 2021, Shanghai Yuling New Energy Technology Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "Yuling") attended the "New Energy Battery Materials Cutting-edge Technology and Intelligent Manufacturing Summit Forum" and participated in the 2021 China Power Battery and Core Materials Annual Selection at the same time, and was the only company that won the title of "True Lithium Charging Award -- Annual Rising Star Enterprise".
Yuling New Energy selected the 9th batch of "Xiuhu Double Hundred Plan" talent entrepreneurship project
Yuling New Energy selected the 9th batch of "Xiuhu Double Hundred Plan" talent entrepreneurship project
According to the Eleven Policy Opinions on Implementing the "Xiuhu Double Hundred Plan" and Building the "Special Talent Zone" of Jiaxing Xiuzhou High-tech Industrial Development Zone (Xiuzhou High-tech Zone [2020]) 18) Document spirit and relevant provisions of Jiaxing Xiuzhou Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone "Operation Rules for the Implementation of the" Xiuhu Double Hundred Plan "to create" Special Talent Zone "(Xiuzhou Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone [2020] 19), after qualification examination, expert review, project publicity and other links, The project "Development and Industrialization of new silicon-based composite anode materials with Annual output of 5,000 tons", which was conducted by Dr. Liu Ping from Yuling New Energy Technology Co., LTD., was successfully selected into the 9th batch "Xiuhu Double Hundred Plan" talent entrepreneurship project of Xiuzhou High-tech Zone.
Yuling New Energy attended the 2020 China International Lithium Technology Development Summit Forum and won the lithium battery industry Brand Award
Yuling New Energy attended the 2020 China International Lithium Technology Development Summit Forum and won the lithium battery industry Brand Award
On November 2, 2020, the 4th Shenzhen International Battery Technology Exhibition (IBTE) opened in Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center.

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Sales: Mr.Zhou +86-18601775899

Anhui Yuling New Energy Technology Co., LTD. (Factory)
Address: 10-1 Century Avenue, Economic Development Zone, Huaiyuan County, Bengbu City, Anhui Province

Supply chain: Mr. Zhou +86-18601775899
R&D: Dr. Liu +86-18601758488

Shanghai Yuling New Energy Technology Co., LTD. (R&D Center)
Address: 304A, Building 11, No. 999, Jiangyue Road, Minhang District, Shanghai